Interactive Designer
430 Limted
​August 2019 - January 2022
Since joining 430 in 2019, I've crafted a multitude of engaging interactive projects. I've dedicated myself to honing my skills and exploring innovative software solutions. Despite our primary emphasis on commercial projects, my boss generously allowed me ample time and creative freedom to delve into new technologies and expand my expertise. My tenure at 430 was truly fulfilling and marked by both joy and productivity.
These are links to the most important projects I was involved in during my time at 430.
This demo reel presents various experiments and demo projects that I worked on during my time at 430 Limited. When I first started, my primary tools were limited to Unity 3D and Python. Thanks to the space and freedom provided by the company, I was able to develop new skill sets, including TouchDesigner and Unreal Engine. Additionally, I gained valuable insights into project management and software optimization. It was a valuable period in my life.